Second Chance Pattaya

Second Chance is a sanctuary in Pattaya Thailand that cares for around 80 dogs.  Around half of these dogs are disabled, many have been involved in traffic accidents, some have been hit with machetes and we even have a gun shot victim.  All the dogs at Second Chance were in a life and death struggle when they came to us, they would have perished without our intervention.  As so many are permanently disabled it is unlikely they will ever be adopted as a result they will be in our care for the remainder of their lives.

Dog shelters and sanctuaries here in Thailand receive no government support, all our funds come from our kind donors,  and any shortfall,  and there usually is, is covered by our founder Adrian.

The courses offered here are one of the steps we are taking to become self sufficient, they will also provide fun and enrichment for our dogs,  and hopefully create advocates and lifelong friends for our dogs too.

Once we are self sufficient we can do so much more for the street dogs here in Thailand,  rest assured the money raised from the courses will make a lasting impact on street dogs here in Thailand.

Volunteer Courses

There are many volunteering opportunities at shelters here in Thailand and around the world. At Second Chance we have an unique opportunity for volunteers. At Second Chance our volunteers learn from professional dog trainers how to train dogs. We use the dogs that live in the sanctuary to be the volunteers partners in the training. The volunteers teach the dogs obedience and also agility, the agility is used to help boost the dogs confidence in a fun way. The volunteers will get the opportunity to work with several dogs each day, including dogs that use wheel chairs. It’s a primarily hands on approach, with some theoretical discussions.The dogs will benefit hugely in many ways, the enrichment from being out of the sanctuary and having dedicated time to interact with people is great for them. Being trained in obedience makes it much easier to get them fostered or adopted. Overcoming their fears and phobias, being socialised at the beach or in dog friendly cafes makes their life less stressful.  Its educational and fun for the volunteers too.

Your Teacher

Steve is the founder of Taipei Dog Training, with over 30 years of experience in dog training.

Steve has trained around 3000 dogs and is regularly referred training clients from veterinarians and dog shelters. He trained the New Taipei Police K9 Team in drugs and explosives detection, and was hired by the Taiwan Coast Guard to enhance their canine units. His expertise also led him to work on 3 seasons of Cesar Millan’s National Geographic TV show ‘Cesar’s Recruit Asia’.

While at Highland Canine , Steve helped train dogs that went on to work with US  police forces as well as training service dogs. His extensive background also includes training dogs with the British army in Banja Luka, and lecturing on canine behaviour at universities in Taiwan.

Steve’s formal training from Highland Canine and under other renowned trainers further solidifies his reputation as a leading figure in the canine training community.

Assistant Dog Trainers Course

$ 1250 2 weeks
  • 3 weeks $1600
  • 4 weeks $1950

Our Next Course Starts In
